Publishing StemCell Models to TurboSquid

Publishing Your Model

Publishing Your Model to TurboSquid

After the conversion of your model is complete, it is time to update your TurboSquid product with the new files. We will automatically transfer the converted files and renders to the TurboSquid asset for you to use. As we develop new outputs for StemCell, the product will be automatically updated with the new formats

Transferring StemCell Files
Once you have reviewed and approved the StemCell conversions for you model, the job will prompt you to enter a TurboSquid Product ID to attach the files to. The product does not have to be in the ‘online’ status, but it already be published. You can find the Product ID in the ‘3D Model Specifications’ section of the product preview, or the numbers at the end of the product’s URL. Once you enter the Product ID, the transfer will take several minutes to process.


Click the blue Publish to TurboSquid button, enter the product ID, and select the green checkmark button

Product Preview
The StemCell job will produce the converted files with a single render for each output format, but you will still need to create the rest of the renders for your product. You will have the control for how to display and describe your model, but you will need to include the renders generated from the StemCell job.

We recommend placing the StemCell renders at the end of image gallery because when more StemCell outputs are later added to the product, these images will be automatically added to the end of the gallery.

We have published a sample asset showing one way to present your model.

We have some general training on how to best display your models on TurboSquid.

Publish Asset

The published asset with additional beauty renders and optional model formats.

Additional Formats
We are going to be continually adding new output formats for StemCell products. As these new outputs are developed, we will create the new files and automatically add them to the PixelSquid product. The model files will be added with all the appropriate metadata and the renders will be added to the end of the image gallery for the product. You will receive a notification that your product has been updated.

The conversion process is designed to preserve all the technical settings required for CheckMate Lite and Pro. If the model file you submit meets the CheckMate requirements, all of the output files will, too. If you plan on submitting StemCell files for CheckMate, please thoroughly checking the model before submitting for StemCell conversion.

Publish CM

StemCell and CheckMate Pro Approved Model