Blender / Cycles

This page outlines how to set up your materials for Stemcell. Any parameters not mentioned should be left at default values. A sample scene, with example materials setup under our HDRi will be downloadable soon!

Albedo / Basecolor

Base Color map should be set within the Base Color parameter slot. Base Color map should have its gamma contribution set to sRGB.


Metallic map should be set within the Metallic parameter slot.
Metallic map should have its gamma contribution set to Linear/Raw.

Default Specular Value is 0.5. A value of 0.5 – 1.0 is acceptable.


Roughness map should be set within the Roughness parameter slot. If the material also uses Transmission, then the Roughness map should be plugged into the Transmission Roughness slot as well.

Roughness map should have its gamma contribution set to Linear/Raw.


Normal map should be set within the Color parameter slot of a Normal Bump node. The Normal Bump node will then be connected to the Normal parameter slot of the Principled shader.

Normal map gamma contribution should be set to Linear/Raw.

Self Illumination / Emission

Emissive map should be set within the Emission parameter slot.
Emissive map should have its gamma contribution set to sRGB. Emission weight should be set to 1.


Opacity map should be set within the Alpha parameter slot.
Opacity map should have its gamma contribution set to sRGB.


Transmission map should be set within the Transmission parameter slot.
Transmission map should have its gamma contribution set to Linear/Raw.

A detailed breakdown of the StemCell approved transmissive setup is below.

Blender Cycles Transmission Setup

Base Color Metallic Roughness Transmission
Grayscale Transmission
Colored Transmission