Publishing Products on TurboSquid

Before you will be allowed to publish a model, you must first complete your payment information.  To access your payment information, go to the Account pulldown and choose Artist Account. For assistance with completing your payment information, please visit our How to Get Paid Knowledge Base article.

Preparing your products for upload

In order to optimize your sales, it is important to understand the information that customers require to choose the right products for their projects.

Do I have to package my products before entering them on your system?

This is recommended for models since file textures need to maintain their locations.

How do I access Publisher?

On, go to My Products in the site header and select TurboSquid.


To start uploading, click on publish product.


Products & Specifications


Under Main Product, click on upload files to upload each of the individual model archives. For each file format that you have provided, you will need to provide the version of both the application you used and the Renderer you used when you created the file. If you do not know the version of the Renderer, it is o.k. to leave this blank.

It is important for customers to know which program you used to create the original file.  You will click on select native file format to specify which file is the original file.

Under Product Specifications, you will need to provide all information that is starred. Please provide as much information you possibly can.

Product Name

When naming your product, be sure to pick a name that describes the model you are publishing.  The Product Namehelps your model show up in relevant Google searches. Since a large percentage of TurboSquid’s traffic comes from Google searches, the impact of a good product name can be significant.  For more information about how to name your products, please see our Product Names Knowledge Base article.

Presentation Images


In order to publish your model, you will need to provide a minimum of five preview images. We suggest that you provide as many preview images as possible so that customers can make the best purchasing decisions.*

To add thumbnails:

  1. Go to the presentation images tab and click on upload thumbnails.
  2. Once you have uploaded your presentation images, you can re-order your thumbnails by dragging and dropping them in the proper order.

Search Images

The Search Image for your 3D model is its biggest advertisement at TurboSquid. The Search Image is what customers see on the Search page as they scan the results to see what looks right for their needs.

*Note: You will want your preview images to reflect what the model will look like when rendered. If you have used a renderer such as V-ray to generate the preview image but have not included the V-ray setup with the available file, you will want to provide preview images that use the default or scanline renderer.

For additional information about preparing the best Presentation Images for your model, please visit our articles about preparing these images:

Search Image
Wireframe Thumbnails   
How do I create high resolution thumbnail images?

Description & License



Tags are keywords that will help customers find your models in the Search.  You should choose keywords that correctly describe the model you are selling. For the best search results, be sure that you only use keywords that apply to the model.  For example, if you are selling a kitchen sink, don’t use words like dishwasher. If customers are searching for a dishwasher, they are not going to buy your sink model if it shows up in the dishwasher search—they’re not looking for a sink.


When choosing a Category, you will want to choose the category that best fits the model you are uploading. As withTags, choosing an incorrect category will not help to generate more sales.


To make the most sales for your 3D model, your product Description needs to include vital information that is presented in a professional manner. Write your Description with the customer’s viewpoint in mind.  What does the customer need to know in order to make a decision about purchasing your 3D model? Please review our article about preparing the best Product  Descriptions possible.

Product license

If your Stock Media Product depicts certain subject matter, you are required to affix notice of Editorial Use limitations for customers. Please see this page for an explanation including a link to our FAQ-for-customers about Editorial limitations.

Publishing your contact information

Since TurboSquid offers extensive and guaranteed support, as described under the TurboSquid Quality and Service Guarantee, TurboSquid does NOT allow artists to publish any form of contact information on the product preview pages or anywhere else on or affiliated sites. Please see our contact information policy for more information.

Supporting Items


Accompanying Product Files

Accompanying Product Files are files that may help a customer to make a more informed decision about what they are purchasing.  This is, however, not mandatory to complete in order to publish.

Since you should be providing textures compressed with each file format, you should only use Accompanying Product Files to provide content that may be helpful for customers to understand what they are purchasing. For example, if you are providing a file with animation, you can include a short video that shows the animation you have provided.  You will want to choose Promotional Download* to do this.

*NOTE: If there are files that you only want to make available to purchasers, do not choose Promotional Download. Files uploaded under Promotional Download will be available to everyone who browses the site.


Once you have completed all of the necessary tabs in Publisher, click Publish at the top of the Publishing page, and unless something is missing or you need to make adjustments to the license or description, your model will appear online.

If your uploads are failing in the middle of the upload

Files being uploaded can fail during their transmission when there are too many transfer errors.  There are several things that contribute to the error rate, but these factors usually cannot be controlled by the person uploading or by TurboSquid.  The most common errors are related to the path the packet travels.  Distance increases number of hops the data packets need to make and thus the number of potential errors.  Larger files have more packets, so there are more possibilities for errors.  

But, we can set uploads to have a much lower error rate by using an alternative transfer protocol.  Uploading through SSL, instead of regular HTTP, has a much lower error rate.  But, these uploads can be slower.  If you are having upload issues where the upload starts, but stops somewhere during the upload, we suggest you use this alternative stable, but slower method to solve the issue.

Preventing Refunds

Some of our customers want to know how an artist can potentially prevent returns and refunds of products. The best advice we can give to our artists is to make sure that your descriptions and previews are as accurate as they can be. Most returns are due to the fact that there was missing or misleading information in the description or the previews were not complete or accurate.

Our policy is do everything we can to work with the artist and the customer to get their purchase to work for them.

Our procedure for handling problems with purchased products is to contact the author, address technical problems with the file, and attempt to resolve any problems in order to make a purchase satisfactory. It is very important that you, the artist, check your Support Tickets often and respond quickly so as to prevent the customer from missing deadlines because of a problem with a model.

If we get no response or if we cannot come to a resolution with the artist, and the product is still unsatisfactory, we may be forced to process a return and credit the original sale.

If you need advice or help about how to publish your models or how to make sure your descriptions are accurate and complete, please feel free to contact Support.

Removing Products

  1. Log on to
  2. Click My Files on the Navigation Bar
  3. Click on Publisher
  4. To delete, click on the checkbox next to the product and click Remove in the upper left hand corner

A prompt will ask, “Are sure you want to delete this file forever?”

  1. Click OK to continue and remove the product.
  2. The deleted product is immediately removed from the table of published products.