How to Choose Product Categories

TurboSquid offers a tool for artists to set their own categories in the Feature Graph. This is our taxonomy of more than 20,000 categories of objects and brands that attempts to span most everything in both known and imaginary worlds. This taxonomy powers our search dropdowns, product navigation, related products, and many other internal tools for TurboSquid artists and staff. This replaces the set of 300 categories that you see in the publisher. You can access this within the Publisher.


There are 2 primary areas: Objects and Brands. Object covers what a product is generically — a house, a tiger, a smartphone. Brand covers the manufacturers and IP contained within a product — Apple iPhone 11, West Elm furniture, Hyundai. You can also use the categories Real-Time, Collections, and Cartoon. All categories need to have an Object. If your product contains IP owned by someone else, you need to select the correct Brand or contact TurboSquid to add one.

There are three states for your products when you load the tool. The product can have no Feature Graph categories, categories that were assigned by the algorithm, or categories assigned and locked by TurboSquid staff. After you make your choices, they will be reviewed by TurboSquid staff and will be confirmed or removed. You should choose all categories that are accurate and relevant, but keep in mind that most products have a single Object or Origin. As with all past products, TurboSquid adjusts all categories for accuracy. We will remove any that are not appropriate or are used as spam. It is unfair to other artists to leave spam categories. If an artist repeatedly abuses the category tool, they may be removed from the site. If you think TurboSquid erred in removing a category, please contact us at

How to Use the Feature Graph Tool

Begin by typing the most accurate category you can. We match on the category names as well as any synonyms. So if you want to choose a “fantasy spacecraft,” you could also type, “Science Fiction Spacecraft,” “sci-fi spaceship,” “sci-fi spacecraft,” and so on. In all instances, your product will be placed in the same category. And if customers search for any of those synonyms, they will be directed to the same result set.

Once you have selected something, you may have the opportunity to navigate more deeply in our feature taxonomy. The “navigate deeper” text box will suggest categories that naturally follow the one you have chosen. When you have found the most accurate category, click on that category.

If you have chosen an inaccurate category, simply click on the red X next to the category you’ve chosen.

When a Category Has Already Been Confirmed

You will see this view of the Feature Graph tool when a TurboSquid staff member has assigned a category for your product. You cannot remove a category that has been chosen by us directly. If you think it is an inaccurate choice, contact us at

If you cannot find a Brand or Object let us know. While there will always be a broader option for an Object, TurboSquid needs your help in identifying manufacturers and other IP holders. If we are missing something, reach out to the breadcrumbs email address.

For any other questions, please consult our FAQ.