Getting Paid

  • How do I get paid? - Follow the instructions below to begin receiving payments on TurboSquid and learn how and when your payments will be processed.
  • Royalty Percentage - Learn about the TurboSquid Royalty Percentage, how it varies depending on TurboSquid membership, and how to earn more by taking advantage of the SquidGuild and Affiliate Programs.
  • Artist Royalties FAQ - In the TurboSquid Artist Royalties FAQ, learn how royalties payments are paid, how often payments are made, how to access payment information, and more.
  • Royalty Payment Problems - The TurboSquid Royalty Payment Problems section lists troubleshooting options for 3D artists experiencing payment issues.
  • Tax Documentation - Using the TurboSquid Tax Documentation, 3D artists can learn how to reduce or even eliminate tax on sales made to U.S. customers.
  • U.S. Tax Treaty Country Rates - 3D artists can revew the TurboSquid US Tax Treaty Country Rates to see if they are entitled to a lower withholding tax rate on sales made by U.S. customers.
  • Tax Documentation FAQ - In the TurboSquid Tax Documentation FAQ, learn which sales are subject to tax withholding, where to find a list of U.S. tax treaty rates, and more.
  • Payoneer - Find out how 3D artists can use the TurboSquid Payoneer Payment Option to receive their TurboSquid royalties.
  • I have old, unpaid royalties that have disappeared. What should I do? - If you have unpaid royalties from TurboSquid, be sure to follow the instructions below. While you were contacted previously, there are still steps you may be able to take to reclaim your royalties.
  • Changes to Form 1042-S - Learn how the TurboSquid Changes to Form 1042-S affect 3D artists' royalty payments.