SquidGuild FAQ

Below is a list of commonly asked SquidGuild questions and answers. If you do not find the information you need below, please contact support.

What is SquidGuild?
What are the benefits of joining SquidGuild?
How can I become a SquidGuild Member?
Are there any exceptions to exclusivity?
Can I still sell sell work to my freelance customers?
SquidGuild Member Name Restrictions
How do I leave SquidGuild?

What is SquidGuild?

The SquidGuild is an exclusivity program designed to help TurboSquid’s loyal sellers with a great set of features, benefits, and a higher royalty structure. When you join the SquidGuild you are agreeing to sell all of your 3D content exclusively at TurboSquid. This requires you to remove your content from other 3D content sites prior to joining.

What are the benefits of joining SquidGuild?

There are many advantages and benefits given to artists who join the SquidGuild. Besides an increase in royalty rate, SquidGuild members have exclusive access to information and strategies for selling more and earning more.

All TurboSquid artists belong to a SquidLevel based on lifetime sales volume. Account benefits are determined by using your SquidLevel.  However, SquidGuild members are provided with additional benefits, tools and higher royalties that are based on SquidLevels. Some of the benefits of being a SquidGuild member include:

  1. Higher royalty rates
  2. CheckMate certification
  3. Higher affiliate royalties
  4. More reports
  5. Private Beta Access
  6. Chargeback Protection (for Diamond artists only)

For a full list of benefits, please visit our SquidGuild page.

How can I become a SquidGuild Member?

The SquidGuild is a program aimed at rewarding exclusive 3D artists. Before you can be considered for SquidGuild Membership, you must remove all of the 3D content that you have posted for sale on other 3D marketplaces. Once you have done this, TurboSquid requires that you complete the online agreement to be accepted into the program. Please note that exclusivity is not per product–it covers all of your 3D content. So, if you have 3D content that you have not published on TurboSquid, you still cannot post those on other sites.

Are there any exceptions to exclusivity?

There are exceptions to selling 3D Model Stock Media Products on other 3D Marketplaces or similar sites if you are a member of the SquidGuild.  Like many exclusivity based reward programs, there are certain stipulations to selling on other 3D content sites. You may continue selling on other 3D content sites if:

  • You are selling or posting free content on a personal website/marketplace that you launched on or before JULY 15, 2009. Please note that such a website can only feature your models for sale.

  • You have 3D models that were rejected by TurboSquid because they were not in compliance with a policy (such as our Mature Content Policy) or if they do not meet TurboSquid’s quality standards.

While there are exceptions to selling 3D Model Stock Media Products on other 3D Marketplaces, you are allowed to sell 2D content such as renders and stock photography on other sites.  Please note that 2D content does not include texture maps, PixelSquid content, or any other 2D content that is used for 3D application.

Turbosquid requires artists to change their usernames on other 3D marketplaces when they join the SquidGuild if they are selling rejected content elsewhere because, as part of the SquidGuild program, we want your brand to be associated exclusively with TurboSquid.

Can I still sell sell work to my freelance customers?

Yes, you can still sell to freelance customers. The SquidGuild does not affect freelance work, custom modeling jobs or contract work. If you have uploaded a 3D model to TurboSquid, you will still be able to use it for personal and professional projects. Exclusivity is solely related to the stock 3D content sales through public marketplaces.

 SquidGuild Member Name Restrictions

Turbosquid requires artists to change their usernames on other 3D marketplaces when they join the SquidGuild if they are selling rejected content elsewhere because, as part of the SquidGuild program, we want your brand to be associated exclusively with TurboSquid.

How do I leave SquidGuild?

Since this is a membership program, 3D artists are allowed to leave the SquidGuild at will. Once your request to leave the SquidGuild is accepted, there is a 30-day waiting period after you opt out in which you receive membership benefits and will still be bound to publish exclusively on TurboSquid as outlined in the SquidGuild Agreement. After the 30-day period you will be released from the program and your benefits altered accordingly. Again, you cannot publish content on other sites until your 30-day waiting period has elapsed.

If you leave the SquidGuild, you will have to wait 90 days before applying to return. Please note that if you have any CheckMate-certified models and choose to leave the SquidGuild, you may not remove or sell those models elsewhere until you have reached your Commitment Expiration Date.  To leave the SquidGuild, please open a support ticket on the support page.