Material Library Resources
Browse the Library
Browse over 100 V-Ray Materials free to use with your PixelSquid or TurboSquid models.
Material Training
Many of these PixelSquid-ready materials also include training on their creation. Mouse over items in the library to see links to training.
Ultimate Guide
Want to produce your own photorealistic materials? Read our ultimate guide.
This is a collection of base materials intended as a starting point for your models. Most of the materials contain multiple textures and you are encouraged to customize them for your specific needs. Remember that good texturing is one of the keys to creating great photo-real 3D.
Access to the Library is restricted to SquidGuild members above Clear level who have successfully published to PixelSquid.
Materials are provided as 3ds Max 2012 material libraries created withV-Ray 2.3 and 2.4.
An HDRI Library is also provided to assist in creating beautiful scenes. These images are installed as part of the TurboSquid Tools and also provided as individual downloads.
Special thanks to Austris Čingulis from for helping us create this material library. All materials and textures are distributed under the Pixelsquid Contributor Agreement.