Product Imagery and Presentation Standards


TurboSquid surveys customers to determine which features and improvements they would like to see. One of the main suggestions was improved presentation. Based on this feedback, we have implemented product imagery and presentation standards for all new models being published.

Imagery requirements

Minimum required imagery

All models are required to have One Search Image, Five Beauty Shots, One Wireframe, and One 360° Turntable. These should be unique images and/or relevant images that depict the model that is being sold. Providing the same image five times or including irrelevant images does not give customers an accurate idea of what a model looks like and if it will work for their needs. Without appropriate imagery, they are less likely to purchase the model.

Overlays on Search Images

Overlays on Search Images generally clutter the product search and add unnecessary distractions for customers. To provide a clean, distraction-free search experience, search images should be free of the following overlays except when they only provide information to the customer regarding collections.

This means that overlay text cannot be used for marketing or attention-grabbing purposes.  The text can only be in a standard font that takes up less than 25% of the total image. Text color can only be black, white or a subdued shade that matches the rest of the image.

You may also use very small,  semi-transparent overlays as long as they are not easily detectable in the search view. The reason these overlays are allowed is for image piracy detection if the images or models appear elsewhere.

Black or colored borders, QR codes, personal logos, or non-collection overlays are never allowed on search images.

Opaque overlay

Opaque overlay

Opaque personal logo

Opaque personal logo


QR code

Wireframes and viewport screenshots

One of the biggest complaints that we’ve received from customers is that not all artists provide sufficient imagery to help them determine how a model is built and how it will render. So that customers can make informed purchasing decisions, artists need to follow these guidelines:

  • Each product preview must include at least one wireframe image of the model(s).
    If you are modeling in solids or NURBS-based formats, a viewport screenshot of the model that is “shaded with visible edges” can substitute for a wireframe. If you are using particles or other types of effects that may not allow you to provide a traditional wireframe, a viewport screenshot can also subsitute.
  • Products require rendered imagery and wireframe images. Viewport screenshots can be used as supplemental imagery but not as the signature image or as the sole source of imagery.

We know that creating wireframes can be a daunting task if you’ve never created them before. To help you create wireframes like a pro, please check out our article on Creating Wireframes.



Viewport screenshot

Nudity in Search Image

Regardless of the content of your 3D model, Product Search Images must not include nudity. Black bar overlays or blurring are also not allowed, so please either show a clothed version of your model or a head and shoulders shot.

Brand overlays

When selling branded content, you must be careful not to imply that your content is being sold by or endorsed by the company that makes the product. For that reason, you may not use brand overlays on any of your product imagery. Please note that a brand overlay does not include branding that is part of a model (for example, a brand insignia on a car). A brand overlay is a logo that is used on the image but is not part of the model.

Brand overlay

Brand overlay

Presentation standards

Contact information

Since TurboSquid offers extensive and guaranteed support, TurboSquid does not allow artists to publish any form of contact information on the product preview pages or anywhere else on or affiliate sites. Contact information includes:

  • Personal website
  • Email address
  • Instant messaging handle
  • Phone number, address, QR codes, or any other information that a person can use to contact an artist outside of TurboSquid.

Product naming

All products should have a descriptive name — one that states what the model depicts. Using file names and leaving on file extensions looks unprofessional. For example, rather than using the file name, “”, you should name the product “Dalmatian dog”.

Improper product title

Proper product title

Exorbitant pricing

The majority of TurboSquid’s returning customers are production professionals with a budget, and they expect to pay a fair price for quality models. With that in mind, models should be priced within a reasonable range and should not be priced at an exorbitant level. An example of exorbitant pricing would be a simple model posted at $1,500 or even a complex model at $15,000.

Exorbitant pricing


Models that are posted on TurboSquid should be of a reasonable level of quality. Models that are below industry standards will be taken offline at TurboSquid’s discretion.

Poor quality

Poor quality

Branded Printables

TurboSquid does not allow the sale of Branded objects in printable formats. Branded models may not be advertised as being printable. This includes mentions of printability in the title, description, and tags.